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Pet Food Delivered - why would you want to leave home!!!!
Our products are certainly a winner for your cats and dogs. Coming in either convienient 1KG rolls or 10kg packs, both are cryovaced for your convienience.
Most of raw comes fresh and has not been frozen!!!
We will let you know when we are coming and you can leave an esky out if you wont be home.
Bulk order enquiries are welcome.
For 10kg orders please note orders have to be in by Close of Business Thursday and will be delivered for the following week.
If you are planning 100% raw check out our blog from Vets All Natural Dr Bruce Syme
Delivery is only available to residents in Melbourne and surrounding areas -
Metro Melbourne, Kinglake, Whittlesea, Wallan, Kilmore, Broadford, Melton, Sunbury, Lancefield, Romsey, Riddlells Creek and anywhere in between.